Writing a memoir can be straightforward or complex, depending on the type of story you want to tell.
Whether you want to chronicle your entire life, capture a period, or write a mini memoir, however, the first stage of the process involves interviewing.*
For example, in our first, complimentary interview, which can take place in person or over the phone, we will discuss your objectives: Do you want to pass family stories down to your children or grandchildren? Do you want to share personal lessons you have learned with them? Do you want to publish your memoir or keep it within the family? How long and in depth do you want your memoir to be? We will also discuss your scheduling and budget needs.
If you decide you wish to continue, I will send you a letter of agreement and a consent form outlining the details of our agreement. Following receipt of your signed letter of agreement, consent form and initial deposit, we will schedule our second interview, during which I will ask you to summarize your life story for me. We will also estimate how many interviews may be necessary and set up an interview schedule.
In our third interview, we will discuss themes, or patterns, in your life story and begin to compile a list of stories related to those themes. For instance, you might realize that your love of dogs began when you were a toddler and continued throughout your life. We would then make a list of your memories regarding your relationships with dogs.
Subsequent interviews involve continuing discussion on these themes and stories. For example, we might continue to list memories, begin to discuss how your experiences affected your life, and make a list of what lessons you learned as a result.
After completing our interviews, the next stage of the memoir writing process is to structure your story. This is the stage where I make suggestions such as: which stories to include, and where to begin and end your story. Structuring your story is crucial to ensure it catches and keeps your readers’ interest.
The final stage of the memoir writing process involves writing, review, and revision. After we establish a schedule together, I will begin writing a first draft of your memoir, focusing on identified themes, extracting their meaning, and applying fictional techniques such as characterization, plot, description, dialogue, setting, and pacing.
I will submit the first draft of your memoir to you in batches for your review. I will not continue writing until you have reviewed the materials and returned them to me with any revisions or questions. Once I have finished the entire draft, you will be able to review it and request additional changes, after which I will complete the second draft, submitting it to you for review in batches. If you require further revisions, I will prepare a third and final draft, which will constitute the final manuscript.
*All interviews will be recorded, so as to enable me to review them and to ensure accuracy. All recordings remain confidential.